Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Introductions Are In Order

Ah Blogger, we meet at last.

You may not know this, but we share several friends in common. I've been meaning to make your aquaintance for quite some time. And here we are. It seems introductions are in order, and I'll go first.

I'm Vanna, not to be confused with Vanna White, and no, you may not buy a vowel. I can understand why it might be easy to confuse us, being as I *am* glamorously beautiful and have quite the aptitude for spinning letters, but alas, I am not she. I've always wonder why, when people learn my name, they all surface the same unremarkable quip, but yet, I've never once felt the urge to say to my friend "Tom", "Ruuuun Forrest, RUN". Perhaps if his name were Forrest....

Anyhow, after several months of both unabashed harassment and "quiet" prodding on the part of our unnamed mutual friends, I've decided to finally, and with some hesitation, make my "blogger" debut. So, here we go, I'm sending these words from my screen, off into the great unknown and immeasurable cyberspace with these parting lyrics......

"Is there anybody in there
Just nod if you can hear me...."